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Lodestone Shield

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+1 armor, 1 weight

What mixed-up dummy made this? Shields are meant to repel metal, not draw it in! Emblazoned with a lion rampant, the Lodestone Shield has the power to pull blades and arrows to it. When you Defend against enemies using metal Weapons you can spend one hold, per target, to disarm them. Also, sometimes you’ll find a handful of loose change stuck to it.


Armor Mod
What mixed-up dummy made this? Shields are meant to repel metal, not draw it in! Emblazoned with a lion rampant, the Lodestone Shield has the power to pull blades and arrows to it. When you defend against enemies using metal weapons you can spend one hold, per target, to disarm them. Also, sometimes you’ll find a handful of loose change stuck to it.
+1 armor, 1 weight
Magic Item
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